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Warframe Riven Price Calculator for Unrolled/Trash Rivens

If you’re a Warframe player looking to sell or trade your rivens, you might want to check out this warframe riven price calculator for unrolled/trash rivens. The calculator use real-time data from popular Warframe trading websites like Riven Market and Warframe Market to determine the value of your rivens. With this tool, you can easily find out which rivens are worth something and make informed decisions about your trades. 

We also have another warframe riven price calculator for more detailed rivens with specific stats.

What is an unrolled or trash riven?

Unrolled rivens are those that have been unveiled but have not been rerolled, meaning the player has not spent any Kuva to change the stats. They can have a pretty high price if they are in demand, such as the case with the popular Rubico rivens for example. Trash rivens normally fall into the same category as unrolled rivens, since most unrolled rivens are considered trash.

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